Here's how Curve speeds up treatment approvals:
“What if you could just push a button and have a treatment plan ready to go with real time insurance eligibility and even send it to your patient for signature, all within a single tool? Curve Dental has done that for us.”
Cassie Tallon
CEO & Founder of The Fractional Match

Drive Higher Acceptance Rates with Customized Treatment Plans
- Create more patient-friendly procedure display names individually or through the bulk edit tool
- Build layouts with multiple options to organize by clinic, including display or procedure name, visit details, itemized financials, and more
- Indicate a specific disclosure based on whether or not there is insurance coverage
- Enable patients to sign a plan from their preferred device immediately after treatment review with eSignature
Increase Collections with Insurance Eligibility Verification
- Obtain incredibly accurate real-time patient insurance status
- Know how much the patient owes and insurance covers for each procedure, and customize treatment statements accordingly

Easily Schedule Multiple Appointments Associated with a Treatment Plan
- Use the Sidekick feature to quickly schedule the next visit or series of visits
- Update complex treatment plans on the fly if you run into unexpected issues
- Easily click and drag procedure codes into new or upcoming visits if you need to deviate from the original plan
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! You can create multiple treatment plans for each patient, allowing you to present different options based on their needs. Our digital treatment plans also allow patients to sign electronically, and the software automatically saves a copy, sending one to the patient as well—saving time on scanning or printing. Plus, you can easily duplicate a treatment plan if only minor adjustments are needed, such as presenting different options for a specific tooth.
Our treatment planning feature integrates with real-time insurance data, allowing you to describe procedures that you know insurance will cover. This helps you to inform patients what their out-of-pocket expenses will be, reducing confusion and increasing acceptance.
You can text or email a link directly to the patient and they can sign their treatment plan at home on any device. Your team will be notified via the Smart Action List once the patient signs the plan, even if it is after-hours.