3 Ways Curve Helps Protect Your Practice From Hidden Threats
Embezzlement is a real issue in practices right now. We're seeing more and more of it and just an entitlement. There are three things inside of Curve that help with embezzlement. And for me, have been just a wonderful touch of high detail information to protect against embezzlement. The first one is I'm able to go in and select what my users can do.
Not everybody can audit or edit information inside of Curve. The second thing is, in my end of day bank deposit, it separates it out by type. It's breaking it down by Mastercard, Visa and type. So you can drill down into the specifics of your bank deposits. And the last one is in the audit trail per user. I can see that information and simultaneously, anything that that user does or closes out of, it's logged in the audit trail for me. But really, where the confidence comes in is I love the user types that I can set up. So when I bring in someone that's a dental assistant, they're not going to have the same rights that my office manager would. And I have a reassurance that that amount inside of the invoice is protected.
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